Sean Gillen's Profile Picture

Sean Gillen

Registered Manager / Director

Sean has over 10 years’ experience in the field, during this time he has been an integral part of various services management structure.

Sean has over 10 years’ experience in the field, during this time he has been an integral part of various services management structure.

He also has a passion for modern approaches to recovery and has a passion for teaching psychobiology to service users and staff across various facilities.

Directors / Managers

The driving force behind our company's vision and mission

    John Gillen's Profile Picture

    John Gillen

    CEO & Director

    For the past two decades John Gillen has dedicated his life to exploring the latest NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) therapies, delivering cutting-edge treatments to the UK and across Europe.

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    Dr Pamela Walters's Profile Picture

    Dr Pamela Walters

    Medical Director

    Pamela is a consultant psychiatrist with expertise in general adult, addiction and forensic psychiatry

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