John Gillen's Profile Picture

John Gillen

CEO & Director

For the past two decades John Gillen has dedicated his life to exploring the latest NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) therapies, delivering cutting-edge treatments to the UK and across Europe.

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For the past two decades John Gillen has dedicated his life to exploring the latest NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) therapies, delivering cutting-edge treatments to the UK and across Europe.


A true pioneer in the quest for innovative therapies for mental wellness and addiction recovery, John prides himself on working with the very best medical professionals in the field, with the purpose of providing game-changing treatments to those in need.


John’s latest venture sees him the opening of the brand new Eula’s Clinic in Scotland, specialising in offering ground-breaking scientifically backed psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy treatment.

Directors / Managers

The driving force behind our company's vision and mission

    Sean Gillen's Profile Picture

    Sean Gillen

    Registered Manager / Director

    Sean has over 10 years’ experience in the field, during this time he has been an integral part of various services management structure.

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    Dr Pamela Walters's Profile Picture

    Dr Pamela Walters

    Medical Director

    Pamela is a consultant psychiatrist with expertise in general adult, addiction and forensic psychiatry

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Our Associations

  • Microdose
  • SPRG

The Integration of MDMA and Ketamine in Psychotherapy: An Exploration of Their Complementary Benefits

While traditional talk therapy can be effective for many people, there is growing interest in exploring alternative forms of therapy that involve the use of mind-altering substances. Two such substances that are currently being explored for their therapeutic potential are MDMA and Ketamine. Read more

The Science Behind Ketamine and Its Use in Psychotherapy

Discover the science behind ketamine and its use in psychotherapy. Explore how this emerging field is changing mental health treatment Read more